Publications, webinars & conferences
Key Publications
- Coleman, S., Wright, J.M., Nixon, J. et al. Searching for Programme theories for a realist evaluation: a case study comparing an academic database search and a simple Google search. BMC Med Res Methodol 20, 217 (2020).
- Booth A, Briscoe S, Wright JM (2020). The "realist search": A systematic scoping review of current practice and reporting. Res Synth Methods. 11(1):14-35
- Booth A, Wright J, Briscoe S. 2018. Scoping and Searching to Support Realist Approaches. In:Emmel N; Greenhalgh J; Manzano A; Monaghan M; Dalkin S (eds.) Doing Realist Research.London: Sage, pp. 148-165
- Edmunds Otter ML, Wright JM, King NV. 2017. Developing the Librarians' Role in Supporting Grant Applications and Reducing Waste in Research: Outcomes From a Literature Review and Survey in the NIHR Research Design Service. New Review of Academic Librarianship. 23(2-3), pp. 258-274
- Edlin R, McCabe C, Hulme C, Hall P, Wright JM. 2015. Cost Effectiveness Modelling for Health Technology Assessment A Practical Course. Adis
- Wright JM, Cottrell DJ, Mir G. 2014. Searching for religion and mental health studies required health, social science, and grey literature databases. J Clin Epidemiol. 67(7), pp. 800-810
- Xia J, Wright J, Adams CE. 2008. Five large Chinese biomedical bibliographic databases: accessibility and coverage. Health information and libraries journal. 25(1), pp. 55-61
- Abhijnhan A, Surcheva Z, Wright J, Adams CE. 2007. Searching a biomedical bibliographic database from Bulgaria: the ABS database. Health Information & Libraries Journal. 24(3), pp. 200-203
- Almerie MQ, Matar HE, Jones V, Kumar A, Wright J, Wlostowska E, Adams CE. 2007.Searching the Polish Medical Bibliography (Polska Bibliografia Lekarska) for trials.Health Information & Libraries Journal. 24(4), pp. 283-6-283-6
- Kele I, Bereczki D, Furtado V, Wright J, Adams CE. 2005. Searching a biomedical bibliographic database from Hungary - the 'Magyar Orvosi Bibliogragia. HEALTH INFO LIBR J. 22(4), pp. 293-295
- Kumar A, Wright J, Adams CE. 2005. Searching a biomedical bibliographic database from the Ukraine: the Panteleimon database. HEALTH INFO LIBR J. 22(3), pp. 223-227
Introducing literature searching and managing references for systematic reviews
- Systematic Reviews webinars by IMPACT- SESSION 3 (Aug 2020) Literature searching part 1
- Systematic Reviews webinars by IMPACT- SESSION 4 (Aug 2020) Literature searching part 2
- Systematic Reviews webinars by AMIPS - SESSION 3 (Sep 2020) Finding and Managing Literature for Systematic Reviews
- Systematic Reviews webinars by AMIPS - SESSION 4 (Nov 2020) Software for managing your systematic review search results and screening abstracts
Recent Conferences
- Wright JM, Madigan Johnson G, King NV, Greenley S, Andre D, Rogers M, Bethal A. Estimating the screening workload in health evidence syntheses from Ovid EMBASE search results; is EMBASE more reliable than Medline? Poster at Health Libraries Group Conference 2024: Connecting. 20-21 June 2024; Royal College of Physicians, London. [poster]
- Wright JM. Systematic Review Search: Tips for Information Professionals. University Health & Medical Libraries Group Spring Forum. April 2020. [slides] [recording]
- King NV, Wright JM, Abdulwahid M, Randell R, Greenhalgh J, Keen J. How information specialists can support a realist review: a case study of health information technologies and patient safety. Poster at 10th International Evidence Based Library and Information Practice Conference. 17-19 June 2019; University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.EBLIP poster
- Dracup N, Wright JM, King NV, Rodriguez Lopez R. How should Information Specialists obtain client feedback to inform service improvement? Developing a new pilot method. CILIP Health Libraries Group Conference; 14-15th June 2018; Keele University, UK. [Download]
- Wright J, King N, Edmunds Otter, M. Information Specialist support in the Research Design Service. NIHR Research Design Service National Training Day, London, UK, 15th November 2017. [Download]
- Wright JM, Mitchell E, Smith AF, Hall P, Messenger M, Calder N, Wickramasekera N, Vinall-Collier K, Lewington A. Review strategies to inform research prioritization of biomarkers; AKI-Diagnostics case study. 8th International Conference of EBHC Teachers & Developers. Taormina, Italy, 25-28 Oct 2017 [Download]
- Wright J & Walwyn R. Literature search methods for an overview of reviews(‘umbrella’ reviews or ‘review of reviews’). CILIP Health Libraries Group Conference; 15-16th Sept 2016; Scarborough, UK. [Download]
- Wright J & King N. Supporting health research proposals; a day in the life of an NIHR Research Design Service information specialist. CILIP Health Libraries Group Conference; 15-16th Sept 2016; Scarborough, UK. [Download]
- Wright J, Veale T. Retrospective evaluation of the impact of including HEED in literature searches for economic evaluations and economic models. InterTASC ISSG Workshop 9th July 2014. Exeter, UK. [Download]
- Wright J, Mir G, Cottrell DJ. Searching for mental health and religion studies: methods and evidence for selecting databases for rapid reviews and evidence syntheses. European Association of Health Information and Libraries; 11-13th June 2014; Rome, Italy. [Download]
- Wright J, Oliver S, Megone C, Wilman E, Duley L, Gyte G. Combining systematic review methods with philosophical analysis for a research ethics review: a case study in bridging disciplines. 21st Cochrane Colloquium 19-23 Sep 2013; Quebec, Canada. [Download]